Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kirjavinkkejä sovittelijoille / Book tips for mediators

Kirjalista sovittelijoille ja muillekin ihmisten kanssa työtä tekeville

Neuvottelu / Negotiation 
Bens, Ingrid: Facilitating with ease - Core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants and trainers.
Fisher, Roger & Shapiro, Daniel: Beyond reason. Using emotions as you negotiate.
Fisher, Roger & Ury, William: Getting to yes. Negotiating agreement without giving in.
Kaner, Sam: Facilitators guide to participatory decision-making.
Miettinen, Sami & Torkki, Juhana: Neuvotteluvalta. Miten tulen huippuneuvottelijaksi.
Shell, G. Richard: Neuvottele onnistuneesti.
Torkki, Juhana: Puhevalta. Kuinka kuulijat vakuutetaan.
Ury, William: Myönteinen ei. 

Sovittelu / Mediation
Bannink, Fredrike: Handbook of solution-focused conflict management.
Baruch Bush, Robert A& Folger, Joseph P: The Promise of mediation. The Transformative approach to conflict.
Cornelius, Helena & Faire Shoshana: Everyone can win. Responding to conflict constructively.
Dana, Daniel: Conflict resolution.
Glasl, Friedrich: Confronting Conflict. A First-aid Kit for Handling Conflict.
Isokorpi, Tia: Napit vastakkain. Ristiriidat, rajat ja ratkaisut.
Isokorpi, Tia: Pää pyörällä. Kaaoksesta rauhoittumiseen ja aitoon läsnäoloon.
Larsson, Liv: A Helping hand. Mediation with nonviolent communication.
Larsson, Liv: Sovittelun taito.
Noble, Cinnie: Conflict management coaching
Poikela, Esa (toim): Sovittelu.
Winslade, John & Monk, Gerald: Narratice mediation. A New approach to conflict resolution.
Zehr, Howard: The Little Book of Restorative Justice.

Tunteet / Emotion
Barash, David P & Lipton, Judith Eve: Payback. Why we reataliate, redirect aggression and take revenge.
Baumeister, Roy F. & Tierney, John: Tahdonvoima.
Carter, Les & Minirth, Frank: The Anger Workbook.
Goleman, Daniel: Destructive emotions and how we can overcome them.
Kokkonen, Marja: Ihastuttavat, vihastuttavat tunteet. Opi tunteiden säätelyn taito.
Martela, Frank: Tahdonvoiman käyttöohje.
Rantanen, Jarkko: Tunteella!
Reeves, Nancy PhD: A Path through loss. A workbook for healing and growth.
Segal, Jeanne: The Language of emotional intelligence. The Five essential tools for building powerful and effective relationships
Stein, Steven J & Book, Howard E: The EQ edge. Emotional intelligence and your success.
Thich Nhat Hanh: Viha.
Tipping, Colin C.: Anna anteeksi itsellesi.

Ajattelu / Thinking
Ariely, Dan: Predictably irrational.
Ariely, Dan: The Upside of Irrationality. The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home.
de Bono, Edward: Thinking course. Powerful tools to transform your thinking.
Brafman, Ori & Brafman, Rom: Sway. Irresistable pull of irrational behaviour.
Isaacs, William: Dialogue and the art of thinking together.
Eagleman, David: Incognito - The secret lives of the brain.
Järvilehto, Lauri: Tee itsestäsi mestariajattelija.
Lehrer, Jonah: The Decisive moment. How the brain makes up its mind.
Marcus, Gary: Kluge. The Haphazard evolution of the human mind.
Pink, Daniel H: The whole new mind. Why right-brainers will rule the future.
Thaler, Richard H & Sunstein, Cass R: Nudge. Improve decisions about health, wealth and happiness.

Arvot / Values
Aaltonen, Tapio, Heiskanen, Erika & Innanen, Pekka: Arvot yksilön ja työyhteisön kehittäjänä.
Frankl, Viktor E: Ihmisyyden rajalla.
Pietilä, Hilkka: Mikä meitä yhdistää. Ihmisyys ja perusarvot.
Turunen, Kari E: Halut, arvot ja valta.

Oikeudenmukaisuus / Justice
Sen, Amartya: The idea of justice.
Zehr, Howard: The Little book of restorative justice.

Vuorovaikutus / Interaction
Aaltonen, Mika & Heikkilä, Titi: Tarinoiden voima.
Heath, Chio & Dan: Switch - How to change things when change is hard.
Hirvihuhta, Harri & Litovaara Anneli: Ratkaisun taito.
Jackson, Paul Z & Waldman, Janine: Positively speaking. The Art of Constructive Conversations with a Solutions Focus.
Katajainen, Antero, Lipponen, Krisse & Litovaara, Anneli: Voimavarat käyttöön.
Kegan, Robert & Lahey, Lisa Laskow: How the way we talk can change the way we work. Seven languages of transformation.
Leu, Lucy: Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook. A Practical Guide for Individual, Group, or Classroom Study.
Rosenberg, Marshall B: Myötäelämisen taito.
Routarinne, Simo: Valta ja vuorovaikutus.
Thompson, George J: Verbal judo. The Gentle art of persuation.
Tomasello, Michael: Why we cooperate.

Pahuus ja kiltteys / Evilness & niceness
Einhorn, Stefan: Aidosti kiltti.
Laitinen, Merja & Hurtig, Johanna: Pahan kosketus. Ihmisyyden ja auttamistyön varjojen jäljillä.
Zimbardo, Philip: The Lucifer effect. How good people turn evil.

Muuta mielenkiintoista / Miscellaneous
Airaksinen, Timo: Hulluuden houkutus. 
Biswas-Diener, Robert: The Courage quotient - How science can make you braver.
Brown, Brene: The Gifts of imperfection - Let go who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are.
Burchard, Brendon: The Charge - Activate the 10 human drives that make you feel alive.
Burr, Vivien: Social Constructionism.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: Flow elämän virta. Tutkimuksia onnesta, siitä kun kaikki sujuu.
Dweck, Carol S.:  Mindset the new psychology of success - How we can learn to fulfil our potential.
Haidt, Jonathan: The Happiness hypothesis - Putting ancient wisdom and philosophy to the test of modern science.
Heberlein, Ann:  Se ei ollut minun vikani.
Jacobson, Edward A.: Appreciative moments. Stories and practices for living and working appreciatively.
Ollila, Maija-Riitta: Lauman valta.
Ridley, Matt: Jalouden alkuperä.
Venkula, Jaana: Fair play jalkapallon sieluna ja käytäntönä
White, Michael: Maps of narrative practices.
Zimbardo, Philip: The Time Paradox.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Suomi suomalaisille?

Vaalien lähestyessä mediasta alkaa pukata yhä enemmän maahanmuuttovastaisten puolueiden puhetta. Välillä tuntuu jo siltä, että Suomessa ei muuta olekaan pielessä kuin se, että meille on muuttanut muita, ihan ulkomailta asti. Ihan kuin Suomeen olisi tulossa tulvimalla ihmisiä, jotka vievät meiltä esimerkiksi siivojan ja bussikuskin paikat. Kaikki unelmaduunit menee siis ihan ohi suun, jos olet alkuperäinen suomalainen.

Jos nyt lähdetään sille linjalle, että ulkomaalaiset ovat uhka ja huono asia, miksei hommaa viedä loppuun saakka? Rajat kiinni ja niin tiukat säännöt ja päällystakit jo maassa asuville ulkomaalaisille, että älyävät nopeasti poistua. Televisiosta ja radiosta pitää tulla vain suomalaista ohjelmaa Suomesta, lehdet saavat kirjoittaa myöskin vain kotimaasta. Nettirajoittimet käyttöön, jotta keskustelua voidaan käydä vain toisten suomalaisten kanssa. Eikä omiakaan kansalaisia kannata päästää ulkomaille, jottei ajettelu ja rotu saa huonoja vaikutteita.

Ongelma on siinä, että jos haluamme samaan aikaan olla selkeästi suomalaisia ja erottua muista, maailmassa on ainakin jo yksi tällainen valtio, Pohjois-Korea.

Monday, September 20, 2010


What do I want? What is important to me? How an I figure out, what is important to me?

Do I appreciate other people? Do I appreciate myself? How does it show? Do I listen others? Do I listen to myself? Do other people listen to me? What kind of effect do I have to other people? How other people effect to me?

What can I do to make world a better place? What can I do to make my own enviroment a better place? Does it matter, what one person does/thinks? If I do nothing, what is the effect of that?

What is the purpose of our lives? What is purpose of my life? Who can evaluate the value of my life? What can do to make my life more purposeful?

What is happiness? Can my happiness be something else than your happiness? Do I have to seek happiness? Can happiness be found? How do I know, when I have reached happiness?

Is there good and bad feelings and emotions? Should I avoid bad feelings/emotions? Can I get rid of bad emotions? How my feelings/emotions effect other people? What is the use of my feelings/emotions? Should I let all my feelings/emotion to show? What is the difference of feeling and acting?

Is it more important to know the answers than to make questions? Is there bad questions? How would learn to make better questions? How would I learn to handle the anxiety of not knowing all answers? Does every question have an answer? When will questions be more important than answers?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Serendipity and Twitter

Lately I have been thinking a lot, why I like Twitter so much. One of the answers is, that Twitter is a place, where serendipity can enter my life. In Finnish serendipity is translated as lucky coincidence, but I think it's more than that.

I use Twitter, bacause it's truly an easy way to connect with people all over the world. All you have to do is click follow and that is a possible start for relationship. The important thing isn't, that everyone answer to your tweets, instead important is, that you can send tweets to people. When you let go of the thought, that it's embarrassing not to get answer, you'll probably have more courage to approach people too.

Serendipity in Twitter is made of this courage to connect with people, empathetic attitude towards people and curiosity of different kind of personalities and opinions. That's why I think, that serendipity in Twitter isn't just lucky coincidence, the base of it has to be build with thought. But when you invest some precious time to build your network, then you probably will someday enjoy the suprises, that will arise from your network; new opportunities, valuable connections, help and support.

In the mean time, let's tweet with each other!